On the top of the desert, see the burning "soul" of the sixth season of "Extreme Challenge"

  "Ahead is the highest mountain of Singing Sand Mountain. Considering the difficulty, you can also take a car to the camp!"

  After listening to the suggestions of the program team, the six members chose to walk without hesitation – the flag symbolizing "Extreme Challenge" on the top of the desert was fluttering in the wind, guiding them to work together to complete a seemingly impossible challenge.

  Tonight, the eighth issue of Dragon TV’s "Extreme Challenge" is themed on "Desert Brotherhood", telling a story of unity, breakthrough and fearlessness: in the vast desert, the yellow sand undulates, the scorching heat follows like a shadow, and the bright flags seem to be very close, but they need to climb many sand dunes to reach them. Along the way, the extremely challenging men’s group supported each other and cheered each other up. Relying on the belief of "never abandoning, never giving up" and "fighting together, we will definitely win", they interpreted their vows step by step: "The six of us together are the most precious!"

  The production team used a unique and extreme Dunhuang style to condense a "very manly" life path. Shi Jianing, deputy director of the Oriental Satellite TV Center and general director of the sixth season of "Extreme Challenge", said in an interview: "This is indeed a big challenge, they can choose to give up, but they decided to persevere. This journey is very much like an outlet for them to express their hearts, to externalize the brotherhood they have accumulated since forming the group this season. They are not only here to record a show, but also to show everyone that this is a team with a burning soul."

  On the highest mountain of Mingsha Mountain,The extremely picky boy group "group soul" flutters

  Dunhuang, as a place where cultures blend and converge, contains the spiritual consensus needed to build a community with a shared future, such as exchange, understanding, cooperation, tolerance, and win-win. "Extreme Challenge" chose to start a special outdoor team building here, which is similar to the trip to Wulong, Chongqing in the fifth season.

  That time, what was memorable was the spirit of unity and friendship, and the courage to move forward. This time, when the extremely picky boy group walked from the Crescent Moon Spring to Mingsha Mountain, it was easy to remind people of Xuanzang, who had a life-threatening life, walking through here, and the business travelers of the Silk Road walking through here. In this hard journey, only brothers who are united and have the courage to work together can conquer the boundless vastness. As Lei Jiayin said: "If we don’t unite today, we really can’t get out of this desert."

  To survive in an arid zone, water supplies were especially important. Before departure, the extremely picky men’s team divided into three groups, and through the challenge mission, they each stocked up with a wide range of bottled water. To ensure that everyone could consume water in time, at each supply point, the team that gained the lead would prepare ice watermelons for other brothers without reservation, and distribute their own bottled water. For example, the domineering Guo Jingfei said: "Leave it to them, they will definitely be thirsty when they come over!"

  As the terrain became steeper and steeper, the brothers were so tired that they couldn’t catch their breath. They used their hands and feet to crawl in a state of "embarrassment". Seeing that Xiao Yue Yue was unable to move, the other brothers took the initiative to help him lift his heavy backpack. Everyone shouted, "We are the soul of the group today, and it is impossible to defeat us no matter how you want." "There are no three words’can’t ‘today" to cheer for the team. Jia Nailiang, who was always in front of the road, stopped at the finish line: "It is meaningless for me to climb to the top alone, I want to wait for you to climb to the top together!"

  The desert has territory, and the walkers have no boundaries. When they climbed up the sand dunes hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, singing loudly, the little figure was like a burning flame in the big desert. That scene was beautiful to the heart.

  On the highest peak of Singing Sand Mountain, there was not only the "Soul Flag" flying in "Extreme Challenge", but also the "most precious thing" for each of them. After walking through the desert, unplugging the flag, and returning to the open-air camp, they ate barbecues and shared precious memories of each other’s growing up years: a college admission letter, a bracelet gifted by their master, a letter written to their mother 30 years ago, a book that influenced them… And on this night when the brilliant galaxy could be seen above their heads, because of a special group walk, they integrated into each other’s life memories and created a new "precious" together.

  The most precious thing in the desert was the plants. A particularly memorable part was that the extremely picky boy group donated the number of steps they walked that day to the ant forest, and a forest ranger planted a shuttle tree in the camp, representing the growth and germination of "Extreme Challenge" in the desert Gobi, allowing a green symbol of vitality to continue to spread.

  On roads that no one has stepped on, brothers will go together; on difficult peaks, brothers will fight together! "Although this issue is a bit tiring, it is worth it," they said. Shi Jianing said: "This is also the emotion that’Extreme Challenge ‘always wants to convey to everyone. No matter what kind of challenge they face, the friendship between brothers will support them to exceed their limits. The so-called’soul group’ is not shouted out, when facing extreme environments, we can feel the sincerity and heat in their hearts more."

  Let them go fighting fighting,What is it?

  "That road was very difficult to walk. It was a hot day and the sun was shining. When we faced that mountain, our hearts were bottomless, even though our director team had been walking in that environment for almost a week."

  In an interview, Shi Jianing still has a lot of feelings, "At that time, we were worried that their physical strength could not support this challenge, and we proposed not to go, but the’soul flag ‘in front of them inspired their belief. This challenge brought us a lot of emotion, and they have been encouraging each other and not giving up. I think this is the soul of" Extreme Challenge ". Their unity is radiated from the inside out, and you can see the simple truth in every bit."

  Before you know it, "Extreme Challenge" has been in its sixth season. When Shi Jianing took over the baton of the director for the first time last year, he did not hide that he was "under a lot of pressure." "In fact, just like the name of this show, we are always facing extreme challenges, and this year is even more extreme than last year. As the earliest show to resume work in outdoor variety shows, many situations were unclear at that time. We almost completely overturned the original shooting plan. Under the premise of ensuring safety, we actively responded to social needs and made many dynamic adjustments. We hope to give full play to our energy as a national variety show and contribute to the special 2020."

  From the first phase to the streets to collect the wishes of the public, on behalf of the audience to pay tribute to the medical workers who paid silently during the epidemic; to the form of variety shows, calling on the whole people to exercise, participate in live streaming, and help resume work and production; to the next 5G era, nightlife and other themes, the sixth season of "Extreme Challenge" is deeply in line with the macro background of 2020, closely focusing on the hot topics of social life, while bringing joy to the audience, but also delivering strong energy and confidence for everyone.

  What made many viewers relish was that in the fifth episode of the program, Lei Jiayin, Yue Yunpeng, Wang Xun, Jia Nailiang, Guo Jingfei, and Deng Lun became "brothers who cut through thorns and thorns". They studied hard and practiced hard, and brought a well-blessed "Fighting Fighting Go" to the audience. The hilarious singing that broke through the age conveyed the unyielding perseverance of riding the wind and waves.

  Admittedly, this season’s "Extreme Challenge" suffered some controversy at the beginning of go LIVE due to the adjustment of the lineup; but the audience soon found that the old and new boy group quickly merged and continued to burst with surprises. Especially when they entered the live stream to try public welfare delivery, they actually sold 6.61 million yuan worth of agricultural products in just 40 minutes, attracting 13.77 million audience to place orders for love – more than successfully challenging the "Queen of Delivery" Viya, what shocked everyone was that a show could leverage such a powerful public welfare energy. Subsequently, the "618 Super Show" with "Extreme Challenge" as an important content fulcrum helped the consumer "battle of confidence" in the context of the 618 mid-year promotion, achieving a double explosion of brand value and commercial value.

  So, what is it that makes the extremely picky boy group fighting fighting fighting go on?

  Through six years of development, "Extreme Challenge" has planted in everyone’s mind the brand mentality of "always keeping pace with the times, always sharing the same fate as the society, and always sharing the same pulse with the people". Every extreme challenge goes far beyond the scope of games and programs, and has become a spiritual cultural symbol bearing social significance. In the special year of 2020, the extremely picky boy group came together as a member of the "National Variety", and practiced a mission that was full of hardships but extremely glorious – the process of their going all out and working together to challenge is the process of accumulating energy and transferring confidence.

  So, the Mingsha Mountain they climbed with their bare hands was not just a mountain? There was no road farther than their feet, and no mountain higher than a person. They were led by the "Soul Flag", and it was also the belief they hoped to convey to the society that "if we fight together, we will definitely win".

  "I still remember the first episode of this season, when the Bund building was brightly lit, and when the smiling faces of the medical workers were projected on the big screen one by one, I could see a sense of heartfelt pride in each of their faces. I think from that moment on, they were aroused with a sense of sublime. They knew that this was a show with temperature, energy and mission," Shi Jianing said. It was certainly a difficult challenge, but such a gathering is destined to be a life encounter worth cherishing and cherishing.


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New regulations in June: high temperature allowances are coming, and online car-hailing is included in the rental assessment system

  China News Service client side Beijing, May 31st, from tomorrow, the time will enter June. With the arrival of the hot summer at the same time, there are also a number of policies such as high temperature allowances and new regulations for online car-hailing, which will bring real "coolness" to your summer from various aspects such as income and travel.

Data map: A power operator in Fuzhou braved high temperature to climb a pole to work. Wang Dongming, photo

    Data map: A power operator in Fuzhou braved high temperature to climb a pole to work. Wang Dongming, photo

  Heat allowance begins

  In the summer, the payment of high temperature allowances is concerned by the public. In most parts of China, the money will also be credited to workers’ accounts as June arrives.

  According to the "Measures for the Administration of Heat Prevention and Cooling Measures" revised in 2012, employers who arrange for workers to engage in outdoor open-air operations in high-temperature weather above 35 degrees Celsius and who cannot take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33 degrees Celsius shall issue high-temperature allowances to workers.

  In terms of the payment time of high temperature allowances, there are also differences in different places due to climate conditions. For example, the payment time period in Beijing, Shanxi and other regions is from June to August; Jiangsu, Shanghai, Gansu and other places are from June to September; Guangdong, Guangxi and other places are from June to October.

  In addition, Jiangsu, Tianjin and other provinces have also raised their high-temperature allowances this year.

Data map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Commission checked the relevant qualifications of online car-hailing at Guangzhou East Railway Station. Photo by Chen Jimin, reporter of China News Agency

    Data map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Commission checked the relevant qualifications of online car-hailing at Guangzhou East Railway Station. Photo by Chen Jimin, reporter of China News Agency

  Online car-hailing is included in the taxi service assessment system

  The safety and convenience of taxi-hailing are also of concern to the public. The "Measures for the Assessment of Taxi Service Quality and Reputation" will come into effect on June 1, and online car-hailing will be included in the taxi service assessment system. The assessment of online car-hailing drivers must be "returned".

  Specifically, the "Measures" will include the new business models of online car-hailing into the assessment, making it clear that both online car-hailing and cruise cars need to carry out service quality and reputation assessment. In terms of indicator setting, not only the common requirements of online car-hailing and cruise cars are considered, but also according to the unique business service characteristics of online car-hailing, tailor-made indicators such as data access and operation service information disclosure are set.

  In addition, the "Measures" also adjust the distribution of assessment scores for taxi companies, increase the assessment scores for providing passengers with operational services and other matters, and guide drivers to take the initiative to improve service quality.

  It is worth mentioning that the "Measures" provide for the implementation of assessments on drivers’ compliance with regulations, production safety, business behavior, and operational services. Taxi drivers who score less than 3 points during the assessment period shall receive training as required.

  English "national standard" will be implemented

  How do Chinese people evaluate their English proficiency? On June 1, the first English proficiency assessment standard for Chinese English learners, the "China English Proficiency Scale", will be launched.

  It is understood that the scale was released by the Ministry of Education and the National Language and Writing Work Committee in April, and conducted a detailed grading of Chinese English learners and users. Among them, the English language ability of Chinese English learners and users is divided into one to nine grades from low to high, which are classified as basic, improved and proficient.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the scale is like a scale of ability, which will play a positive role in improving the quality of exams, promoting the docking of domestic and foreign exams, promoting multi-evaluation, feedback teaching, etc., and is conducive to achieving "the same balance of quantity".

Data map: drone China News Agency reporter Zhang Wei, photo

    Data map: drone China News Agency reporter Zhang Wei, photo

  Reduced access to drones

  In recent years, China’s unmanned aerial vehicle market has grown rapidly, and the application of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture, electric power, surveying and mapping, security and other fields has become increasingly mature. However, the relevant regulations on unmanned aerial vehicles engaging in commercial flight activities are always blank.

  From June 1st, the Civil Aviation Administration issued the "Civil Unmanned Aircraft Operational Flight Activities Management Measures (Interim) " will be implemented. The "Measures" regulate the access and regulatory requirements for unmanned aircraft to engage in commercial general aviation flight activities, and enterprises engaged in commercial flight activities will be in legal compliance from now on.

Data map: Investors in the business department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the dynamics of the stock market. Luo Yunfei, photo

    Data map: Investors in the business department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the dynamics of the stock market. Luo Yunfei, photo

  What will be the impact of class A sharing?

  Entering June, there is another major financial event worth paying attention to.

  MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International, also known as "MSCI" in China) announced on May 15 that 234 class A shares were confirmed to be included in the MSCI index system, which was officially implemented on June 1.

  According to the data, the MSCI index is compiled by Morgan Stanley International Capital (MSCI), and international mainstream funds use it as an investment guide or tracking index to allocate their own ETF funds (exchange-traded open-ended index funds) according to the MSCI index. From next year, overseas funds can also directly purchase class A shares through the MSCI index.

  In the opinion of industry insiders, after class A shares are included in the MSCI index, the participation rate of overseas institutional investors will continue to rise. In the medium and long term, the class A share market will become more mature, liquidity will increase, and market trends will gradually be dominated by short-term market noise and driven by fundamentals.

Jinpeng Automobile’s global sales are far ahead, leading the industry to flourish with the heart of champion!

In the surging global automobile market, the technological transformation of new energy vehicles has become the recognized theme of automobile brands in various countries. With the continuous progress of R&D and production technology and the increasing diversification of consumer demand, the new energy vehicle market has risen rapidly, and traditional automobile manufacturers are also actively seeking transformation and upgrading. Under this background, Jinpeng Automobile has become the global sales champion of low-speed electric vehicle industry with its excellent product strength, channel strength and brand strength.


Authoritative certification, highlighting the strength of the champion

Recently, Jinpeng Automobile once again stood out in the global automobile market competition, and won the authoritative certificate of "Low-speed electric vehicles ranked first in global sales for three consecutive years" issued by Frost & Sullivan, a world-renowned consulting company. The weight of this honor is particularly heavy, because Jost Sullivan, as an authoritative consulting organization recognized by the industry, has always been famous for its rigorous, in-depth and comprehensive market research and analysis reports. Being certified by Sullivan not only means that the sales performance of Jinpeng Automobile in the field of low-speed electric vehicles has reached the top level in the world, but also represents the comprehensive strength of Jinpeng Automobile such as product quality, technological innovation, channel construction and brand influence, which has been highly recognized by the industry.


Technological innovation to create champion quality

The reason why Jinpeng Automobile can stand out in the global automobile market is inseparable from the double support of its consistent champion quality and innovative technology. Excellent cruising range, stable handling performance, comfortable driving experience and environmental protection and energy saving features have made Jinpeng Automobile widely praised by consumers all over the world. Jinpeng Automobile’s continuous investment in technology research and development and product upgrading has also provided a strong guarantee for it to maintain its leading position in the global market, highlighting the champion style of China Manufacturing in the field of green short-distance travel. In order to better meet the needs of consumers, Jinpeng Automobile has reached in-depth strategic cooperation with dozens of domestic first-tier automobile suppliers, working together to develop innovative technologies, laying a solid foundation for Jinpeng Automobile’s championship quality.


With the authoritative certification of "low-speed electric vehicles ranked first in global sales for three consecutive years", Jinpeng Automobile unveiled the mystery of its latest research and development achievements — — "KING champion intelligent technology platform". The release of this platform indicates that Jinpeng Automobile is taking a firm and powerful step towards the road of intelligent and green transformation. The platform is not only a collection of technologies, but also a deep thinking and comprehensive layout of Jinpeng Automobile for future travel modes.


"KING Champion Intelligent Technology Platform" integrates three core systems, namely intelligent control system, surging power system and green cockpit system. Intelligent control system makes driving easier and more convenient. Whether it is automatic driving or intelligent navigation, it can provide drivers with an unprecedented driving experience. The 澎湃 power system provides a strong and stable power output for vehicles, which can be easily handled whether it is commuting in the city or long-distance travel. The green cockpit system pays attention to environmental protection and comfort, and creates a healthy and comfortable riding environment for passengers. In addition, the platform also integrates ten innovative technologies, including super fast charging, collision warning, lane change warning, energy recovery and magic seats.

Global layout, expand the champion territory

As the pride made in China, Jinpeng Automobile has already set its sights on a broader overseas market. In the tide of globalization, Jinpeng Automobile has actively embraced change and continuously expanded its championship territory with an open mind and forward-looking strategic layout. Today, Jinpeng Automobile’s products have sold well in more than 60 countries and regions around the world, and are deeply loved and trusted by more than 20 million users. This achievement not only shows the excellent product strength and strong brand strength of Jinpeng Automobile, but also reflects its global strategic vision and brand building ability.


The global layout of Jinpeng Automobile is not achieved overnight, but the result of careful consideration and careful planning. From market research to product positioning, from brand promotion to channel construction, Jinpeng Automobile always adheres to the principle of market-oriented and consumer-centered. Through close cooperation with local dealers, Jinpeng Automobile has successfully entered many overseas markets and established a perfect sales network and service system.

This global strategic layout and brand building not only enhanced the international influence of Jinpeng Automobile, but also laid a solid foundation for its championship road. Jinpeng Automobile has won the trust and reputation of global consumers with its high-quality products and services, and has become the champion brand of global green short-distance travel.


Work together to create a better future.

Facing the increasingly complex and changeable market environment, Jinpeng Automobile is not satisfied with the status quo, but constantly seeks new growth points and breakthroughs. To this end, Jinpeng Automobile put forward five incremental paths: brand expansion, category expansion, configuration increase, number of stores expansion and marketing, aiming at further enhancing market share and brand influence. At the same time, Jinpeng Automobile also officially launched the "Chaoguan Plan 2.0", and launched a tough battle in the market through four marketing campaigns, namely, second store construction, second network construction, online live broadcast and trade-in.


The implementation of these measures will not only further enhance the market share of Jinpeng Automobile, consolidate its champion position in the industry, but also push Jinpeng Automobile to a higher and further goal. In the future, Jinpeng Automobile will continue to uphold the core values of innovation, quality and service, provide more high-quality, intelligent and environmentally-friendly travel solutions for consumers around the world, and jointly create a better automobile life.



Jinpeng Automobile knows that the road to championship is endless. In the future, Jinpeng Automobile will continue to take the heart of the champion as the guide, constantly enhance product competitiveness and brand influence, and provide users with more quality products and services. In the future journey, Jinpeng Automobile will continue to maintain its champion posture, go forward bravely and write a more brilliant chapter!


New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

Looking back at the new cars launched last week, Avita 11 is undoubtedly the most talked about model. The car was created by Changan Automobile in cooperation with Huawei and Ningde Times, and it is unforgettable with its bold and avant-garde shape. At the same time, Geely Binyue COOL was also launched last week. The car added a younger design language on the basis of Binyue, and replaced with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine, focusing on young consumer groups. In addition, Haval launched a new SUV – Haval Kugou, which has a hard and fashionable appearance. In addition to the above models, there are many new and modified models on the market. Let’s summarize the new cars listed last week and see if you like them!

1. 2023 Lynk & Co 01

Price range: 17.98-20 6,800 yuan

On August 8, the car quality network learned from the official that the 2023 Lynk 01 was officially launched, and the new car launched a fuel version of 3 models, with a price range of 17.98-20 6,800 yuan. As an annual model change, the appearance of the new car is basically the same as that of the current model, and the number of models has been streamlined. At the same time, some adjustments have been made to the configuration.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

The new car is very similar in appearance to the Lynk & Co 01 EM-F released not long ago. The front face of the new car still adopts a split headlight design, which is also a highlight of the Lynk & Co family. The Northern Lights full LED daytime running lights are located on the edge of the cabin cover, and the visual effect is very novel. In addition, the biggest highlight of the new car is the replacement of a new through taillight group, while also providing a two-color body design.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

Internally, the new car and the current model have not changed much. The overall black is the main one, highlighting the dynamic and fashionable atmosphere. With a variety of different materials as decorative panels, it looks full of class. Although the overall change is not big, the new car is equipped with a new electrified architecture, and the whole vehicle supports OTA upgrades, so it can be updated as needed.

In terms of power, the new car continues to provide a 2.0T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 187kW. In terms of transmission, it is matched with an 8-speed manual transmission, and the high-end model also provides a four-wheel drive system.

2. Avita Technology, Avita 11

Price range: 34.99-40 9,900 yuan

On August 8, the car quality network learned from relevant channels that Avita 11 was officially launched, and the new car launched a total of 4 configuration models, with a price range of 34.99-60 million yuan. Among them, Avita 011 is the MMW (Givenchy creative director Matthew M. Williams) joint limited version of the model, providing only 500 units. It is reported that Avita 11 is jointly built by Changan Automobile, Huawei and Ningde Times, positioning a medium and large high-end pure electric SUV. The new car will be delivered to the first batch of owners in December this year. The first batch of deliveries of the long-endurance dual-motor luxury version will start from the first quarter of 2023.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

In terms of car purchase rights and interests, car buyers who pay 5211 yuan of intention money before October 31 and successfully convert to Dading can receive 6,000 yuan of personalized matching funds and free agency official license services (including cost and service fees). At the same time, car owners can also enjoy 5 years or 120,000 kilometers of vehicle quality assurance, 8 years or 160,000 kilometers of Sandian quality assurance, 10 years of unlimited mileage free road rescue, and a series of official dividends such as smart driving advanced package service (first owner). Please consult your local dealer for details.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

From the appearance, the front face of the Avita 11 is very futuristic, and there is no extra decoration in the middle net area, which looks very simple. The light group of the vehicle is located on both sides of the front face, and the overall design is split, and the shape is also very eye-catching. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4880/1970/1601mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2975mm.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

On the side of the body, the Avita 11 shows a strong sense of power and movement. Although it is positioned as a medium and large SUV, the lines on the top of the car are similar to many hatchback cars, which is quite crossover style. Matching the 22-inch black two-color sports wheels is a set of all-aluminum 4-piston Brembo brake calipers, which is expected to have good performance.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

In the rear part of the car, the new car also combines the characteristics of the coupe and SUV models, retaining both sporty attributes and impressive momentum. The window size of the entire rear is small, and the design style is similar to that of many performance sports cars. The taillights are a clean and concise straight line. At the same time, there is an active lifting spoiler above the taillights, which can be raised at high speed to improve the stability of high-speed driving.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

In terms of interior, Avita 11 adopts a wrapping cockpit design. The entire center console is composed of two 10.25-inch high definition LCD screens and 15.6-inch high definition floating center touch screens for the main and auxiliary drivers, which are three-dimensional and layered. The vehicle seats are spliced together with Nappa leather and suede materials, and the rear seats are also available in a two-seat version, which supports electric adjustment, heating and massage functions.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

As a high-end intelligent pure electric SUV, the new car will come standard with intelligent voice interaction, emotion recognition, gesture control, fatigue monitoring, departure cabin perception, wireless charging of mobile phones, ultraviolet sterilization, 5G communication transparent chassis, panoramic image, driving recorder, sentinel mode, mobile phone Bluetooth key, NFC card key and other functions.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

In terms of power, the Avita 11 four-wheel drive model is equipped with Huawei Drive ONE dual motor system, with a maximum power of 425kW, a maximum torque of 650N · m, 0-100km/h acceleration of 3.98 seconds, and a maximum speed of 200km/h. In terms of battery life, the Avita 11 is equipped with Ningde Times ternary lithium battery pack. In terms of battery life, the Avita 11 is equipped with Ningde Times CTP ternary lithium battery, providing CLTC comprehensive working conditions 555km and 680km two battery life versions for consumers to choose from. With the 750V high-voltage power platform, charging for 10 minutes increases the battery life by 200km.

3. Dongfeng Fengxing T5 new model

Official price: 89,900 yuan

On August 8, we learned from the official news of Dongfeng Fengxing Automobile that the new model of its Fengxing T5 was officially launched. This time, only one model was launched, and its price was 89,900 yuan. The new car is consistent with the current model in appearance and power, only in terms of configuration.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

As a new model, the new car still continues the styling design of the current model. The front face adopts a large-size air intake grille design, the interior is supplemented by dot matrix chrome-plated elements, and it is integrated with the headlights on both sides. The overall look is very delicate and fashionable. In the rear part of the car, the new car shape is relatively full, and the middle of the tail lights is connected by a silver chrome-plated trim, which further stretches the lateral visual width of the rear.

New cars listed in the 32nd week of 2022

In terms of interior, the new car also maintains the design style of the current model, and the whole is mainly practical. In terms of configuration, the new car is equipped with main/passenger airbags, tire pressure display, ABS, halogen headlights, LED daytime running lights, front/rear power windows, one-button lift of the whole car window, electric adjustment of the exterior rearview mirror, etc. In addition, the new car can also be equipped with Bluetooth/car phone, 9-inch touch center LCD screen, leather seats and reversing images.

In terms of power, the new car will continue to be powered by a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 115 kilowatts (156 horsepower) and a peak torque of 230 Nm. The transmission system is matched with a 6-speed automatic transmission.