The winner of the Youth Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award, Da Shengwei: The opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games, Xiaoyi sports cameras can be seen everywhere

How do you know what’s going on at home when you go to work? Once the "Little Ant" smart camera was launched, it was a hit, selling 1 million units in less than a year. Another "Little Ant" sports camera, which is only a little larger than a matchbox, can shoot 170 degrees wide angle and can shoot 60-120 frames per second. It was listed on US Securities News and soon opened up overseas markets. "We are proud that many foreign athletes held our sports cameras in their hands at the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games," said Da Shengwei, founder of Little Ant Technology.

Although founded only five years ago, the internet company is already a global leader in imaging intelligent end point products, computer vision algorithms and other fields. It is the only Chinese company to win Amazon’s "all-round seller". At the Shanghai Science and Technology Awards Conference held last week, Da Shengwei won the Outstanding Contribution Award for Youth Science and Technology.


Starting a business for the first time in Shanghai, I learned to define products according to the market

When he was a high school student in Henan, Da Shengwei participated in the National Mathematical Olympiad League and won the first place in the province. Hua Luogeng is the idol of Da Shengwei. Although he later majored in electronic engineering at Tsinghua University, he never lost his love for mathematics, and his solid mathematical foundation paved the way for him to make a career in the field of integrated circuits. When he was studying for a master’s and doctoral degree at the University of California, Davis, his mentor Steve Lewis was the originator of analog integrated circuits. This learning experience inspired his interest in integrated circuit design. After graduating from the doctoral qualification exam with full marks, in order to accumulate more experience, Da Shengwei worked for two excellent analog integrated circuit companies in Silicon Valley for another five years.

In 2006, Dasheng Wei, who had made up his mind to return to China to start a business in the future before going abroad, chose Shanghai and founded "Panda", which means laying a good foundation in the integrated circuit industry. The company sold its self-developed power management and audio processing chips to the consumer end point product industry, and survived the financial crisis in 2008. Later, it was acquired by a company. Dasheng Wei is grateful for his first venture in Shanghai – it honed his resistance to stress and leadership, strengthened his grasp of unknown and uncertain risks, and made him really learn to define products according to market needs.


"Consumer products pay special attention to detail, small is big"

The second time I started my business, I was moved by a carton of Xiaomi’s mobile phone. This carton containing the mobile phone does not look as delicate as people are used to, and it is even a little simple and rough, but the most important components of the mobile phone are unreservedly "dried" with meticulous drawings on it, which is clear from the outer packaging. This is highly suitable for Xiaomi at that time to open up sales with high configuration and close to the cost. Da Shengwei was inspired to create a computer vision brand in the field of mobile Internet, and also pursued the ultimate configuration and affordable price.

In 2014, "Little Ant" was officially established. From "Pan Da" to "Little Ant", Da Shengwei believes that consumer products pay special attention to details, and small is big.

The field of computer vision is not a technical field that Da Shengwei is good at, but he is very optimistic about the prospects of this field. As the saying goes, a hundred things are better than a hundred things, and computer vision can make people more "far-sighted". "Xiaoyi" has built the world’s first video-based Internet of Things open API, which is widely used in new formats such as smart travel, smart home, smart retail, and smart parks. From the "Xiaoyi" smart camera that can see the movement at home after going out to work, to the "Xiaoyi" sports camera that captures precious moments while diving, skydiving, skiing, and surfing, the average age of this 300-strong company is 29 years old. Half of the foreign employees and 60% of the highly educated R & D personnel. Technological innovation and global vision are natural genes.

Just a year later, "Xiaoyi" established an Israeli research and development center, independently developing edge computing algorithms, with the smallest algorithm and the lowest power consumption, to achieve the most suitable functions in the end point device. So far, more than 100 overseas patents have been produced. This year, "Xiaoyi" also expanded overseas markets. They took an Uber car in San Francisco, USA, and chatted with partners about products along the way. When they arrived at the destination, the driver took out an "Xiaoyi" sports camera and asked, is this what you are talking about? It turned out that he bought it online and waited two months to get the goods. "At that time, we were very excited and felt that it was the right time. The overseas market exists." Today, "Xiaoyi"’s visual products have covered 17,942 cities in 168 countries around the world, and half of the market is overseas.


From the slightest disturbance to the police, until the stranger shows up

In July this year, Xiaoyi Technology will settle in the artificial intelligence island of Zhangjiang Science City. "We have an ambition to combine artificial intelligence edge technology with cloud data to build a Cloud as a Service platform. In layman’s terms, to make more companies’Xiaoyi ‘, we will become’Cloud Ant’." Da Shengwei said that from the physical world to the digital world, the point of contact is the device of the Internet of Things. They hope to make the Internet of Things devices smarter by strengthening artificial intelligence computing. "Take the smart camera as an example. In the past, the alarm would be called when there was a slight disturbance, but now only strangers will be alerted when they appear. This is the optimization of edge computing. Edge computing is done locally, processed in real time, faster, and cheaper than cloud storage. "

After experiencing two very different startups in Shanghai, Da Shengwei’s greatest emotion is that he must maintain the habit of learning, not only learning about emerging technologies, but also learning from young people with endless creativity. At "Little Ant", Da Shengwei has always advocated an open, transparent and open corporate culture to encourage young people to be more creative.

Changping science and technology industry development fund of funds won the "2023 Jiazi attractive force year-end ceremony" heavy award

Recently, the "2023 Jiazi attractive force year-end ceremony · To you who chases the wind and catches up with the moon" was successfully held in Beijing. At the meeting, the [Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking] list was promulgated, and the Beijing Changping Science and Technology Industry Development Fund was listed as the "Top 30 Best Science and Technology Industry Government Guidance Funds in 2023".

As a Chinese science and technology industry think tank, "Jiazi Lightyear" released the three major lists of [Jiazi 20] [Lightyear 20] and [Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking] at the year-end ceremony. Among them, the "2023 China Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking" focuses on value investors in China’s science and technology industry, aiming to recognize investment institutions and investors with significant investment performance, strong growth potential and profound influence on the development of China’s science and technology industry in 2023. The list focuses on considering the fund size, fundraising ability, investment ability, external influence and Jiazi Lightyear evaluation of China’s science and technology industry, and finally selects the "2023 China Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking". Beijing Changping science and technology industry development fund of funds glory on the list, will be recognized and expected by the conference, continue to empower ecological partners, to create a coordinated and efficient development of the investment ecosystem, to provide impetus for the high-quality development of regional economy.

In recent years, government-guided funds have ushered in rapid growth in quantity and scale. The 2022 China Equity Investment Market Development Research Report shows that by the end of 2022, although the government-guided funds in our country accounted for less than 7% in quantity, the proportion of capital scale was close to 60%. In addition, the government-guided funds have undoubtedly become the main LP of the equity investment market through capital injection or sub-funds cooperating with market-oriented funds. It has become an important breakthrough point and driving force for the government to promote strategic emerging industries and innovation-driven development.

As the operator of the science and technology industry fund in Changping District, Chang Development relies on the unique resource advantages of Changping District to make full use of market-oriented means to guide and promote the aggregation of various financial resources, and actively promotes the organic combination of government funds and social funds, industrial capital and financial capital, direct financing and indirect financing, equity financing and debt financing. This time Chang Development can be shortlisted for the authoritative list, which fully reflects the excellent ability of Chang Development’s investment team. Data show that as of now, there are 43 cooperative market-oriented investment funds, more than 1,100 direct or indirect investment projects, and more than 30 companies have landed in capital markets.

Since 2016, Chang Development has started to manage the fund of funds for Changping’s high-tech industry and investment fund business planning and deployment around Changping District’s high-tech industry and investment fund business; in 2020, with the accumulation of the medical and health industry chain, the establishment of Zhiheng Direct Investment Fund, Zhiheng No. 1 focuses on the layout of the medical and health industry, the fund scale is 291.60 million yuan, and has invested more than 19 enterprises so far; in 2022, in order to further play the role of the fund in major project investment and key project introduction, the construction of the fund of funds group in Changping’s science and technology industry was launched.

As of now, the Changping Science and Technology Industry Fund of funds group of government investment funds includes 4 funds of funds in the early and mid-term, namely "Changping Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, Beijing Industrial and Financial Innovation Fund, Changping Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Growth Investment Fund, Key Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Industrial Project Guidance Fund"; 1 industrial guidance fund, for "Changping Industrial Development Fund of funds"; 2 funds of funds in the middle and late stages, respectively "Changping Life Valley Medical and Health Industry Fund of funds, Changping Advanced Energy Industry Fund of funds (in preparation) ", with a total subscription scale of about 10 billion yuan, forming a fund network covering the early and middle stages, growth and maturity of the whole cycle.

Over the years, Chang Development has provided one-stop services for enterprises based on the concept of "three foundations" in a "three-in-one" model, and the resource advantages formed by continuous and deep cultivation have provided sufficient investment and economic development space for Changping District. Chang Development’s advantages can be summarized into three aspects: empowering funds, ecological platforms, and post-investment services.

Deeply empowered funds:

Explore the matching degree between GP and local industries in Changping, empower policy resources and industrial resources to funds, generate chemical reactions, and strengthen alliances. In terms of policy empowerment, Changping District has issued the Interim Measures for Changping Group to Support the Development of the Medical and Health Industry in the Science and Technology Innovation Area of China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Article 8 of which is: Encourage investment institutions in the medical and health field to play a role. Support investment institutions to introduce more enterprises to gather and develop in Changping, and investment institutions will promote start-ups that are about to go public or have listing conditions to register and pay taxes in Changping or move the registered tax place to Changping through investment, and the start-up enterprises will be successfully listed within 3 years after the introduction. For every successful listing of 1 enterprise, the investment institution (only the first reporting institution) that has made substantial contributions will be rewarded with 1 million yuan without an upper limit.

The second is the ecological platform:

Chang Development team has accumulated many years of management experience and has now formed a good organizational structure. Different from the operation mode of other government guidance funds, Chang Development is not just a fund, but has also been emphasizing to be a one-stop industrial ecological platform to help enterprises grow in the whole cycle. It has set up a park operation service and professional technical service platform, which can provide a better foundation and synergy effect for funds in project source input and post-investment services. Chang Development has a more comprehensive advantage.

The third is to empower:

Chang Development has established a very comprehensive post-investment service system. For enterprises with financing needs in the investment ecosystem, Chang Development will carry out FA business to help enterprises accurately connect and match more suitable financing institutions; in terms of space resources, Chang Development is oriented towards the new generation of information technology, intelligent manufacturing, merchandise sports, life sciences and other industries. It has created an industrial complex project that integrates smart office, experience business, cultural social interaction and other functions and a medical health sharing platform that goes deep into the core of the industrial chain. It perfectly integrates industrial space operation and fund investment services, builds a complete Enterprise Services ecosystem, and effectively increases the expansion effect of the capital platform.

In terms of post-investment support for talents, talent resources have always been one of the focuses of post-investment services. Beijing is rich in scientific research resources and high-knowledge talents, and Changping District has Shahe Higher Education Park, which includes well-known universities such as Beihang and Beiyou. It is one of the two university parks determined by the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and it is also a major strategic deployment for Beijing to ensure the sustainable development of higher education in the new century. In addition, Tsinghua and Peking University also have many layouts in Changping, and many key laboratories across the country are located in Changping, which provides convenience for the transfer of talents from local enterprises. With the support of industrial empowerment and ecological platform, the rich resources of scientific research institutes are superimposed, and Changping District vigorously promotes in-depth cooperation between industry, university and research. In addition, Chang Development can also provide customized brand communication services for enterprises at different stages of development, leveraging the platform’s resource advantages to expand communication potential.

In the future, Chang Development will continue to optimize investment ideas, serve and support the long-term healthy development of regional industries and economies, and provide assistance for technological innovation and enterprise development in Changping District.

The delivery fee has increased tenfold, and 500 yuan will be charged for one delivery? The Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau issued a top fine

Picture/Shanghai Market Supervision

According to the Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau, in response to the public opinion reflecting the situation that many concession stores in Shanghai Century Hualian raised their prices and charged high distribution fees, the Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau quickly launched an investigation and processing on the same day.

Some delivery fees have increased by more than ten times

There is also a delivery fee of 500 yuan.

According to reports, after investigation –

Century Hualian Tibet North Road franchise store has adjusted the calculation method of the online delivery fee of a platform app under the condition that the price of the goods sold abroad remains unchanged. From 22:44 on March 27, 2022 to 11:57 on March 28, 2022,The original delivery fee of about 15 yuan per order has been greatly increased to 88 yuan to 188 yuan per order, with a maximum increase of more than tenfold.During the above period, the store sold a total of 44 high delivery fee orders, charging a total of 4872 yuan for delivery, of which the actual delivery fee paid to the rider totaled 856.5 yuan, and the illegal income was 4015.5 yuan.

Picture/Shanghai Market Supervision

After investigation –

From 11:38 on March 28, 2022 to 14:44 on March 28, 2022, under the condition of unchanged commodity price, delivery range, distance, weather and other conditions, Zhang Moumou artificially increased the original delivery fee of about 20-35 yuan per order to 50 yuan, 60 yuan, 88 yuan, and 100 yuan per order.Delivery fees have increased by up to 3 timesDuring the above period, the store completed a total of 12 orders with high delivery fees, charging a total of 1038 yuan for delivery, of which the actual delivery fee paid to the rider was 153.5 yuan, and the illegal income was 884.5 yuan.

Picture/Shanghai Market Supervision

Century Hualian Hongkou franchise store opened on March 28, 2022Translate 1 delivery order with a delivery fee of up to 500 yuanHowever, after discovering the problem, the party contacted the consumer in a timely manner and took the initiative to refund the delivery fee.

Century Hualian Tibet North Road franchise store, Liuzhou Road franchise store during the epidemic period substantially increased distribution costs, disguised to push up the price of relevant people’s livelihood goods behavior, suspected of violating the "People’s Republic of China Price Law" and "Price Violations Administrative Penalties Regulations", constitute price gouging behavior.

On March 29, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau issued a notice of administrative penalty hearing to it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, ordering Century Hualian Tibet North Road Store and Liuzhou Road Store to correct and refund the overcharged price. The overcharged price that has not been refunded after the expiration of the time limit will be confiscated according to law.The Century Hualian Tibet North Road store was fined 5 times the illegal income, amounting to 20077.5 yuan, and the Century Hualian Liuzhou Road store was fined 5 times the illegal income, amounting to 4422.5 yuan.

Picture/Shanghai Market Supervision

Century Hualian Hongkou Store refunded the overcharged delivery fee to consumers in a timely manner before the market supervision department investigated and dealt with it, criticized and educated its behavior, and ordered it to make immediate corrections, and publicly apologized to the society in the form of video recordings to eliminate adverse effects.

In addition, during the investigation, it was found that Zhongjing Century Hualian Supermarket Chain Co., Ltd., the franchisee of the relevant franchise stores, did not file with the competent commercial department as required. On the same day, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has notified the Beijing market supervision department of relevant clues.

Can registered riders travel freely?

21 measured multiple platforms, enterprises respond

Recently, Shanghai’s epidemic prevention has ushered in a new round of exams. Due to the lack of material distribution capacity, many intermediaries in Shanghai who are familiar with the surrounding shopping malls and vegetable markets, and whose stores are close to the community, have newly registered as riders, providing shopping and delivery services for citizens who are isolated at home.

On the evening of March 27, the "Shanghai Release" official account issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the City’s New Round of Nucleic Acid Screening Work", which stipulates that in the sealed control area, medical personnel, epidemic prevention personnel, public security officers, takeaway couriers, etc. who are required for work will travel normally with work permits or unit certificates.

As soon as the news came out, many people on the Internet said that they could register as riders in order to go out.

Regarding whether a registered rider can obtain a work certificate for free travel, the reporter conducted an actual test on three rider platforms, and the results showed that it is not difficult to register a rider, but it is more difficult to obtain a work certificate and free access. Therefore, it is not easy to take advantage of loopholes during the period of sealing and control.

Measured three rider platforms


21 The reporter registered and entered the Meituan rider APP through his mobile phone number. After passing the verification code, he was prompted "This account has not opened Meituan rider, please contact the webmaster to open it". Then the reporter recruited staff from Meituan City Headquarters to understand.Meituan riders are divided into part-time and full-time. The APP used by the part-time is Meituan crowdsourcing, and the full-time riders use Meituan riders.Staff told reporters that full-time work certificates can be issued, but part-time jobs cannot be issued for the time being

Picture/Register Meituan special delivery riders need to go to the station’s strengths to open

Through the introduction of the staff, the reporter got in touch with the stationmaster of the station near the residence and learned that to become a rider, you need to go to the site for an interview, apply for a health certificate and other procedures before you can go to work. After taking up the post, you can issue a work entry and exit certificate. At the same time, the stationmaster told the reporter,The work entry and exit certificate is linked to the nucleic acid certificate. The nucleic acid needs to be done once every two days to maintain a valid period of 48 hours, and the work certificate is valid.

At the same time, the reporter also registered the Meituan crowdsourcing APP, and after real-name authentication and safety knowledge training, he was qualified to run an order. The next day, Meituan crowdsourcing staff contacted the reporter and said that it was difficult to issue a work certificate for part-time jobs, and the work certificate also required the approval of the rider’s community. "We can issue work permits to full-time staff, but some communities do not recognize the problem, which requires negotiation between the two parties."

Figure/Failed to apply for rider proof of work

Ele me

21 The reporter registered as an rider with his real name on the Hummingbird Crowdsourcing APP. After passing the real-name authentication and novice training, he obtained the qualification to receive orders, but when he clicked the "Proof of Work" button on the rider interface to enter the application, it showed "Application failed", prompting "Please confirm whether the real-name authentication has been completed and there is a running order record in the past January".

In this regard, the reporter asked the manual customer service of, and the other party said that there needs to be a running order record in the previous month before it can be issued. When the reporter asked whether the running order can be issued today and the work certificate will be issued tomorrow, the customer service responded no. When the reporter said that the new knight is about to face a ban, which will affect whether the running order can be handled at its discretion, the customer service said that it will help give feedback to the webmaster and will contact the reporter at that time.

The next day, a distribution manager called the reporter, he said that due to the serious pandemic in Shanghai, the relevant certificate cannot be issued for the time being.

Picture/The threshold to become a knight in the same city of SF Express is relatively high

SF Express

21 The reporter registers through the mobile phone number to enter the SF City Knight APP, passes the real-name authentication plus the test run test and performs health information declaration, uploads the health code to obtain the qualification for the test run 20 orders (part of the order that the platform urgently sends B), and also needs five steps of newcomer training, the new knight test in the same city, binding SF Finance, paying the security deposit (refundable), and purchasing knight equipment to become an official knight. According to the webmaster of the area where the reporter belongs, you need to become an official knight to obtain a work certificate.

Multi-platform response

On the morning of March 28, Gu Jun, the head of the material security group of the Shanghai epidemic prevention and control group and the director of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, said that a notice on ensuring the normal operation of enterprises guaranteeing the supply of living materials has been issued to all districts. Under the premise of implementing various measures for epidemic prevention and control, various measures have been taken to achieve "three normalcy".

One of them is to allow the insurance personnel to work normally.The guarantee personnel shall enter and exit the nucleic acid screening sealed and controlled community and the hotel with the "guarantee enterprise certificate", "work permit or unit certificate", "negative nucleic acid report within 48 hours" and "health code green code". The guarantee personnel shall give priority to the nucleic acid test with the "guarantee enterprise certificate" and "work permit or unit certificate".

As for how riders can obtain relevant certificates and access the community, Meituan officially replied to the 21st Century Business Herald reporter.At present, after registering as a crowdsourcing rider, you need to provide proof of work, proof of guarantee and 48-hour nucleic acid certificate. Only with the approval of the community management unit can you enter and exit the community to send orders.Newly registered riders need to be fully equipped, vehicle compliant, and have a health certificate. After uploading the above information to the rider, they can apply for proof of guarantee from the customer service. "If it is a registered full-time rider, you need to report to a nearby site, and then the site will have a performance appraisal for the rider, which means that the rider can not just enter and exit after registration. The site will definitely evaluate the rider’s situation, and then issue relevant documents to him."

At the same time, officials also told reporters that according to the requirements of relevant departments, communities outside the "7 + 7" or "2 + 12" closed management period need to hold a work permit (or unit certificate, guarantee enterprise certificate) and a 48-hour nucleic acid test negative certificate before applying for will review when issuing certificates for riders, and riders who meet a certain running cycle and active level can only receive relevant certificates. For epidemic prevention and safety, newly registered riders who have not run orders cannot obtain work certificates.

All takeaway deliveries in Pudong have been stopped?

Shanghai continues to refute rumors!

Recently, a "holiday notice" signed on March 28 attracted widespread attention. The notice said that "all takeaways in Pudong will be closed tomorrow, and riders will also be under control." It also reminded business owners that they do not need to operate and stock up for the time being, and will prepare for business after the lockdown is lifted on April 1.

After verification by the Shanghai Rumor Refutation Platform, it was found that the notice was not true. March 28,Many citizens living in Pudong posted orders to the Shanghai rumor-refuting platform, saying that they can still purchase goods through takeaway, fresh food e-commerce, etcAt the same time, online platforms such as Dingdong Maicai, Hema, Missfresh, Meituan, and all said that they were not aware of the above notice and had not issued similar notices to relevant merchants. The relevant delivery services were carried out in an orderly manner under the guidance of government departments.

Users also sent screenshots of successful shopping:

In addition, there are also a number of online rumors spreading on the Internet, and Shanghai has refuted the rumors.

The man was caught smuggling from Pudong to Puxi in a kayak? The truth is coming

On March 28, the first day of a new round of nucleic acid screening in Shanghai, a video of a man’s kayaking being intercepted by public security police was widely circulated on social media platforms.

According to the content of this video, there were various accounts from netizens, some saying that "the man smuggled from Suzhou to Shanghai", some saying that "the man took a rubber boat and smuggled from Pudong to Puxi"…

According to the Shanghai Border Defense and Port and Shipping Police, on March 28,A 37-year-old man in Shanghai (nucleic acid test negative) was bored at home due to the epidemic and carried a portable inflatable kayak to paddle from the waters of Suzhou River near Xinhu Pearl CityHe was intercepted by the police patrolling the border port and shipping branch in the waters near Peninsula Garden. The police have sent the man home safely after criticizing and educating him.

Someone kneeling in Pudong, Shanghai? Deliberately spreading rumors!

In a video posted online on March 29, the filmmaker said in Mandarin and Shanghai that his phone was blocked and that he could only use his husband’s phone to record the screen. The content of the screen recording is that "many people are kneeling, in the four and five villages of Laoshan." Many netizens expressed concern about the video and left a message to the Shanghai rumor-refuting platform to ask what happened.

The Shanghai rumor-refuting platform checked with the authoritative department and learned that it was initially checked by the network security department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.Determined that the video is misinformation through artificial fabrication, grafting and piecingThe publisher and his residence have been locked, and the public security organ will deal with the publisher’s production and dissemination of the false video information according to law. Preliminary investigations also show that the video took place in other provinces and cities.

Shanghai TV will broadcast an important announcement? Official: No

From the afternoon of March 29, an "important announcement will be released in Shanghai tonight, please all media (including new media) rebroadcast it in time. The TV station is ready for the announcement board." The news spread in the circle, and many citizens speculated about what important announcement was there.

When checked by the Shanghai rumor-refuting platform, it was found that it was a rumor. The "news comprehensive channel" referred to in the message also publicly refuted the rumor and said that there was no important announcement to be made.

Someone in Shanghai jumped off a building after throwing money? The video of jumping off the building is "Zhang Guan Li Dai"

On March 27, several videos of owners throwing cash from the roof of a residential building in Pudong, Shanghai, spread widely on the Internet, attracting the attention and discussion of netizens. In the video footage, a lot of cash fell from the air, and someone outside the camera shouted, "The community has started to fly banknotes", "Why is there so much money", and so on.

After the video went viral on social media, someone posted a "follow-up video" titled "Someone jumps off a building in Pudong again, throws money first and then jumps off", claiming that the person who threw money later jumped off the building.

According to multiple sources,Throwing money is real, jumping off a building is fake.

It is understood that the online video of throwing money took place in the contemporary Qingshuiyuan community in Pudong New Area. On March 27, an owner threw money from the roof of the community, but the amount of money was far less than what was rumored on the Internet. After the incident, the neighborhood committee and property staff of the community recovered all the money in time and have now returned it to the family. The reporter further learned that,The person concerned has a history of mental illness seeking medical treatment, which is not caused by the pressure caused by the epidemic as claimed by the Internet.

As for the online video of the person jumping off the building, the Pudong public security department said that the online "follow-up video" has nothing to do with the money-throwing incident that took place in Pudong on March 27 and is not true. In fact, watching a few videos carefully can also clearly distinguish: the facade of the residential building in the jumping video is obviously different from the contemporary Qingshuiyuan Community. Further verification by the Shanghai Rumor Refutation Platform found that,This video actually took place in Cangzhou, Hebei, and someone deliberately "put on the crown and plum" and grafted them together.

Shanghai Puxi area is temporarily sealed in advance? false!

On the afternoon of March 29, online chat records said that the Puxi area would be sealed and controlled at 8:00 pm on March 29.

Shanghai rumor platform learned from the Shanghai COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control leading group office that this news is a rumor.

In addition, there are rumors that Shanghai will start the latest sealing and control measures tomorrow. These include requiring garbage not to be sorted for the time being, and residents to put it in the green belt next to the gate of the corridor, which will be cleaned up and collected by the property. All vehicles except those with a pass are not allowed to drive on the road, and violators will be detained by the public security. All pharmacies and stores are closed (all large supermarkets are closed, requisitioned by the government, and deployed uniformly). The Shanghai Rumor Refutation Platform has learned from authoritative departments that this news is also not true.

After rapidly screening nearly 20 million people

How does Shanghai contain the epidemic?

In the past few days, the number of new infections in Shanghai has continued to increase, and the number of asymptomatic infections has exceeded 5,000 in a single day. At the 138th COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control press conference in Shanghai held on March 30, according to Wu Qianyu, a first-level inspector of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, on March 29, Shanghai added 326 local confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 5,656 local asymptomatic infections.

Why is there a large number of asymptomatic infections in Shanghai?

**********, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in an interview with the media recently that the large number and high proportion of asymptomatic infections are the obvious characteristics of this round of epidemic. This feature is not only related to the virus itself, but also related to timely screening and early detection of infection, and is closely related to vaccination. 

"The novel coronavirus mutant is more infectious, and its virulence is relatively weakened. The clinical manifestation of the weakened virus virulence is that the clinical symptoms will be milder, and many infected people do not show clinical symptoms for a short time after infection." ********** said that the case fatality analysis of the Omicron variant and the Delta variant from other countries showed that the case fatality rate of the Omicron variant during the epidemic decreased, indicating that the Omicron variant is not as pathogenic as other variants. Nonetheless, asymptomatic people should not be taken lightly.

The proportion of infected people in risk groups has increased

Through the notification, it can be found that the proportion of infected people in Shanghai among the risk groups has increased. What is the reason for this? 

In this regard, Wu Huanyu, deputy director of the Shanghai CDC, said at the press conference,The higher proportion is first related to the characteristics of virus transmission.The Omicron mutant strain is highly infectious, fast-spreading, and insidious. The positive infections reported recently in this city are mainly the Omicron mutant strain. The transmission rate of the Omicron strain BA.1 is about 70% higher than that of the Delta strain, and the transmission rate of BA.2 is more than 60% higher than that of BA.1.

"When we carried out the investigation and treatment of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections, we expanded the scope of screening of risk groups, and found more positive infections in these groups. In addition, through block-type and grid-based screening, we found that the epidemic in this city showed the coexistence of regional clustering and city-wide dissemination. Most of the infected people found were asymptomatic infections or mild cases." Wu Huanyu said, Therefore, further strengthening screening for clustered epidemic transmission chains, key places and key occupational groups has also increased the proportion of detection in risk groups. 

********** also pointed out,The current epidemic caused by Omicron has been hidden for some timeAnd there are multiple transmission routes, so the flow transfer work is arduous and complex, and more rigorous and careful is required. It is not only necessary to pay attention to the close contact, secondary close contact, and general contacts of the case, but also to consider whether there is a chain of transmission in the early stage of the case, and to find asymptomatic infections as much as possible.

In order to eliminate the community transmission of the virus, a new round of nucleic acid screening has been launched in Shanghai since March 28.So far, 9.10 million nucleic acid tests have been completed in Pudong, Punan and adjacent areasAntigen screening was carried out in non-key areas of Puxi region, a total of 10.87 million people were screened, and a certain number of abnormal test results were found, which played an important role in cutting off the spread of the virus as soon as possible and curbing the spread of the epidemic.

In addition, in order to accelerate the construction of centralized isolation and treatment facilities and improve treatment capacity, as of March 27, in addition to the previously established designated hospitals such as the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, 6 reserve designated hospitals have been opened at the municipal and district levels in Shanghai, and 2 gymnasiums, 1 talent apartment, and 1 large-scale exhibition hall have been rebuilt. Chen Erzhen, head of the medical treatment team of the Shanghai centralized isolation point, the general commander of the centralized isolation medical treatment point of the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Exhibition Center, and the deputy director of Ruijin Hospital, recently told Xinhua News Agency reporters that the centralized isolation medical treatment point of the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Exhibition Center has treated more than 4,600 infected people, and will be full on the 29th.

Take multiple measures to do a good job in health protection

After the test results were confirmed as positive, how to better intervene in patients has also become a topic of public concern.

********** pointed out that for the general asymptomatic people, the focus is on isolation and observation, and advocates the use of traditional Chinese medicine for early intervention. First, to control their lack of symptoms, especially not to change to the common type; second, to promote their nucleic acid to turn negative as soon as possible.

Traditional Chinese medicine has made many achievements in participating in the treatment of COVID-19. At present, Shanghai has rapidly promoted and treated in designated hospitals according to the ninth edition of the diagnosis and treatment plan issued by the state and regional characteristics, and achieved good results.Regarding the protection of ordinary people or the conditioning of traditional Chinese medicine by themselves, three principles are recommended: "strengthen the spleen, remove moisture, and clear heat".

In addition to daily health protection, in epidemic prevention and control, doing a good job of environmental sanitation and disinfection is one of the effective measures to cut off the spread of COVID-19.

Wu Huanyu said that public environmental disinfection should pay attention to the isolation of wards and patient residences at any time and terminal disinfection; hospitals, airports, stations and other densely populated places should increase the frequency of disinfection of environmental objects; high-frequency contact door handles, elevator buttons, etc. should be cleaned and disinfected; garbage, feces and sewage should be collected and treated harmlessly; personal hand hygiene should also be done. 

At the same time, it is necessary to remind that large-scale disinfection of the outdoor environment is not carried out, air disinfection is not carried out on the external environment, disinfectants are not directly used to disinfect personnel, and disinfectants are not added to ponds, reservoirs, artificial lakes and other environments. Chemical disinfectants are not used to disinfect indoor air under human conditions.

In terms of correct disinfection of the home, Fu Chen, director of the Shanghai CDC, pointed out at the press conference that it is necessary to remind everyone.When disinfecting, it is necessary to choose the right product and use the right method.

Before using the disinfectant, read the instruction manual carefully, focusing on the three elements of effective disinfection, namely "disinfection method, disinfectant concentration, and action time". According to the actual use, configure the corresponding concentration of disinfectant according to the instruction manual. At the same time, 84 disinfectant and medical alcohol are the two most commonly used types of disinfectants in the home. 84 disinfectant is a chlorine-containing disinfectant, which is corrosive and irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. It cannot be directly touched by hands. Be sure to wear gloves when formulating and using.

"There is one particular thing to note:84 Disinfectant cannot be mixed with other cleaners! 84 Disinfectant mixed with toilet cleaner will generate chlorine gas, which will cause harm to the body. After disinfection is completed, rinse with water to remove the residue of disinfectant. Medical alcohol should be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place away from light to avoid contact with children. Due to the flammability of alcohol, keep away from fire sources when using it. Spray disinfection is prohibited indoors, and wiping methods should be used for disinfection. In addition, household disinfection should also be avoided. Don’t let’disinfection ‘become’poison’. The higher the concentration of disinfectant, the better. Excessive disinfection will not only not increase the disinfection effect, but will bring negative effects to our health. "Fu Chen stressed.

Source | 21st Century Business Herald (reporters: Zheng Zhiwen, Ji Yuanyuan), official account "Shanghai Market Supervision", China Youth Daily (comprehensive release from Shanghai, Shanghai Internet rumor refutation, Shangguan News, Morning News, etc.)

Which is better, Huawei Honor 7 or Huawei P7?

Which is better, Huawei Honor 7 or Huawei P7?

  System-wise, Honor 7 is also equipped with the new version of EMUI 3.1 system developed based on Android 5.0, and because of the relationship between young users, it adopts bright and bright colors in the UI style, and also integrates a variety of 3D UI 2.0 themes and controls, which brings dynamic 3D special effects when switching screens, fully meeting the needs of young users.

  The Huawei P7 adopts the Emotion UI 2.3 system based on Android 4.4.2 system, which is deeply optimized. Compared with the previous Emotion UI, the interface has some changes in details. However, the overall style and operating habits are still reserved, so there is no need to worry about operation problems.

Which is better, Huawei Honor 7 or Huawei P7?

  Honor 7 is definitely a conscience in camera configuration, using Sony’s latest Exmor RS IMX230 stack sensor, providing 20 million effective pixels, and adding support for phase detection autofocus (PDAF) technology to bring faster focusing speed; the sensor also provides up to 192 autofocus points, which greatly improves the focusing speed and accuracy of moving objects, allowing mobile phones to get clearer images when shooting moving objects.

  Huawei P7 is equipped with 13 million pixel rear camera, using SONY’s latest 4th generation stack sensor, intelligent professional image processing engine, F2.0 aperture, and adding a one-second capture (1.2 seconds) function. In addition, the front-facing camera has also been upgraded to 8 million pixels, with more front-facing shooting functions such as ten-level skin beauty and video beauty.

Huawei Honor 7 and Huawei P7 comparison

  In terms of screen, the screen size of Honor 7 is controlled at 5.2 inches, plus a very narrow border and a large screen ratio, for most users, it will not affect the normal operation when holding with one hand. The resolution reaches 1080p level, with 85% color saturation, which can provide users with fine and vivid image quality. When enjoying photos or watching movies, it has a strong appeal to the human eye.

  The Huawei P7 is equipped with a 5-inch screen, and the 5-inch body is now the mainstream medium size, with a full high definition resolution of 1920×1080 pixels, and a PPI of 445, reaching the mainstream level. In order to make the body have a beautiful appearance, both front and back are equipped with third-generation gorilla glass, which enhances the scratch resistance by 300%.

  As the latest flagship of the Honor series, the Honor 7 does not fall behind in terms of configuration. It chooses its own HiSilicon Kirin 935 octa-core processor, which is designed with big. LITTLE large and small cores. It integrates four 2.2GHz A53 cores and four 1.5GHz A53 cores. With Library technology, the A53 core can run stably above 2.0GHz, achieving a balance between power consumption and performance. The GPU is Mali-T628 MP4, and the memory configuration is 3GB RAM + 16GB/64GB ROM.

  The core processor of Huawei P7 is the self-developed HiSilicon Kirin910T quad-core processor, which is mainly increased to 1.8GHz compared with the Kirin910. The GPU renderer is also Mali-450MP, random access memory is 2GB RAM, and built-in storage space is 16GB ROM. 

After three years, the concert will resume. Are the singers ready?

  After three years, the concert will resume. Are the singers ready?

  Fan feedback: frequent unequal situations with expectations, industry insiders: offline concerts cannot be rushed

  With the further optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures at the end of 2022, offline concerts are also recovering: on December 24, 2022, Zhiqian Xue held a live concert in Haikou, and the attendance rate that night was amazing. Zhiqian Xue dyed his hair into "chestnut" color, which means smooth and smooth, and also made a good start for the smooth recovery of offline concerts in the future.

  According to the ******* Youth Daily reporter, many singers have booked **fline performances this ******: Huang Minghao’s Suzhou concert culture and epidemic prevention approvals have been passed, and will start singing on January 7. Tickets have been sold; He Jie’s "Platycodon" 2022 national tour ******* Station is January 13, 2023; singer Huang Qishan will hold the "Qiwang 30" Xi’an concert on January 17; Meng Meiqi will hold an **fline concert in Chengdu on January 23… In addition, Wang Jiaer’s mainland tour projects have been finalized, including Guangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Chengdu and *******, etc., will set sail this ******, with 8 tentative shows scheduled.

  As for Jay Chou, Mayday, Lin Junjie, Stefanie Sun, Wang Xinling, Zhang Jie, Hua Chenyu and other singers with both popularity and strength, there are also news of concerts one after another.

  It’s just that the concert will resume after three years. Are the singers and audience ready?

  Jay Chou, Zeng Yike offline concert complained

  The "Carnival" world tour, planned by Jay Chou to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his debut, resumed after nearly three years, and held its first performance in Singapore in December 2022. Jay Chou brought fans classic songs such as "Sunny Day", "Daoxiang", "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Love in BC", and also sang songs such as "Wish Me a Happy Birthday", "With Your Name", "Say I Love You" and "Pink Ocean".

  A large number of fans came to the scene, and some fans burst into tears because of the long-awaited scene. But soon, there were negative noises: obviously to see Jay Chou, but there were a large number of singing assistants and magic performances interspersed in the performance, and the sound volume was still fluctuating – the opening sound was so loud that it was noisy, and when Jay Chou sang, it was big and small. In addition, the support glow stick was also blurred and could not emit light.

  Coincidentally. On the evening of December 31, 2022, singer Zeng Yike held a New Year’s Eve concert in Shenzhen, but after the end, fans shouted "refund". According to netizens, the concert was named "Double Length Double Happiness New Year Special", and the full standing ticket was priced at 680 yuan, twice that of other cities. As a result, after the concert started, Zeng Yike himself was half an hour late, only sang songs for an hour and a half, and played DJing for an hour. The next day, Zeng Yike Studio responded that tickets could be refunded, but only tickets for the January 1 concert could be refunded. On January 3, the topic of the concert was also on Weibo’s trending topic list many times.

  In the three years of the epidemic, the audience’s aesthetics and star chasing have changed

  On January 3, Zeng Yike Studio responded to the audience’s rights protection demands and controversial points raised by Zeng Yike’s Shenzhen New Year’s Eve concert.

  Regarding the issue of Zeng Yike’s late arrival, the studio said that on December 31, Zeng Yike himself arrived at the scene at 3:00 pm and left after 3:00 am on January 1. During this time, he did not leave the scene. The delay of half an hour was due to the slow scanning of the ticket code due to the poor network at the scene.

  Regarding the most controversial part of the live DJing performance by fans, the studio responded: "Live DJ DJing is part of the performance. This part of the content may not be liked and accepted by some audiences, but it is not a deception of the performance." Since the DJing part of the performance on December 31 did not meet the expectations of the audience, in order to avoid a similar situation during the performance the next day, Zeng Yike listened to the audience’s suggestions and urgently discussed with the team, and issued a refund announcement for the performance on the same day in the early morning of January 1, and immediately opened a refund channel.

  Many fans did not buy the response from Zeng Yike’s studio, and some questioned whether it was "a mistake of work, not mentioning a word, and only letting Zeng Yike take the blame". Some fans said that although the performance was not perfect, Zeng Yike himself communicated with the fans on the spot and was sincere enough. "As a person who was present that day, in order to appease the fans at the scene, Zeng Yike did not ask the staff to respond and communicated with the fans himself."

  Why do the offline performances that have just resumed frequently appear unequal to the expectations of the audience? Fan Ms. Chen told reporters that the epidemic has not seen offline performances for three years, and too many fans around him have turned to the stage of Buddhist star chasing that only listens to old songs without spending money; in addition, with Cui Jian, Andy Lau, Luo Dayou and other online concerts, fans’ acceptance of online concerts is also increasing. Senior performance operator Ms. Zhao said that in recent years, with the development of new media and the increase in entertainment methods, audiences have higher expectations for content quality, which requires careful polishing by the production team, rather than fast food packaging production.

  Wang Yi, founder of Understand Music Entertainment, believes that the holding of a concert needs to go through the whole process of planning, rehearsal and operation of the artist team, performers and other large and small departments to take shape. The stage performance is only the final stage, and the process of products, there is a law of "practice makes perfect". Affected by the epidemic, the frequency of activities of producers and artist teams in the past three years has been lower than before, and it is inevitable that there will be loopholes in the business. As for artists, in recent years, large-scale concerts have rarely been held, and the performance status and physical strength have been affected to some extent. It is not objective to evaluate the current state of the singer according to the business standards of many years ago. Moreover, after listening to offline concerts after three years, fans also have high expectations, so it is not surprising that there are gaps and controversies.

  It’s been three years, don’t worry, it’s a while and a half

  Lu Shiwei, a well-known music critic, said in an interview with the Beijing Youth Daily reporter that the offline concert has been suspended for three years, and everyone is still looking forward to it. As for the situation of Jay Chou and Zeng Yike’s concert, it may be that the organizers’ preparations are not sufficient and the completion is relatively rough. On the other hand, it may also be that the epidemic has caused insufficient staff and some problems have occurred.

  In Lu Shiwei’s opinion, whether it is Jay Chou or Zeng Yike’s incident, it should be just an example. After the offline concert gradually resumes in the future, I believe these problems can be solved. Wang Yi also said that the tour has just resumed, and the team also needs a period of adjustment process to push the business performance back to the best state.

  Meng Lun, a veteran media person, believes that in the past three years, whether it is the performance practitioners, singers, or musicians themselves, they are all preparing for the resumption of offline concerts. What they have to do is to not be too hasty, and everything is ready before launching the project. It is also a kind of success to be no worse than three years ago. "I have been waiting for three years, and there is no hurry for this moment and a half. If you want to do it, do the best, do the best, and live up to the three years that you and your fans have been waiting for."

  By our reporter, Shou Penghuan

  (Beijing Youth Daily)

Stephen Chow Movie Score Collection: March with Colorful Clouds

Stephen Chow’s new film "Journey to the West" quotes the classic song "The Love of My Life"

    Movie Network News(Video/He Pan, Text/Li Chao, Editor/Wang Yizi) In the new film "Journey to the West to Conquer Demons", which will be released on the first day of the new year, Muse Shu Qi rarely opened her golden voice and sang the classic ending song "Love of Life" of "Journey to the West" – which made many Stephen Chow fans instantly miss the classic tunes of many of Stephen Chow’s classic movies.

    In fact, many directors are particularly fond of incorporating their preferred musical styles into their many works, such as Jiang Wen, who directly moved the soundtrack from China, such as Wang Jiawei, who has long collaborated with musicians such as Melin Mao and Chen Xunqi. The same is true of Chow Xingchi. Famous composers such as Zhao Jiping and Huang Yinghua have achieved the alternative musical style of Xingye films. Today, [Movie Network] will give you a look at the old turntables and trace the unique Zhou tunes in Chow Xingchi’s films.

The classic "Only you" in "Journey to the West"

"Song of Roast Chicken Wings" in "Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang" is also very funny

Come and spice up a comedy! Music can be funny too

    Do you remember "Dangdang Dangdang"? "Dangdang Dangdang" means "Only you…" Ah! Do you remember who the singer of "Song of Roast Chicken Wings" is? It’s Tang Bohu who lit Qiuxiang!

    In Stephen Chow’s films, there is no doubt that the nonsensical funny performances are the most eye-catching, and the golden lines are also remembered by fans for a long time. However, many classic film soundtracks can also highlight the comedy at the right time and achieve unexpected results.

Content guide: Star Lord’s Appearance March: "Knife Club" Playing Classical Music to the End: Zhou’s Style Combining Chinese and Western Music An enduring masterpiece: Lu Guanting’s "Love of a Lifetime"   Exclusive analysis: [Evaluation]"Journey to the West" has an excellent reputation and is predicted to exceed the box office 1.50 billion [Line]Dragon set? Love saint? King of comedy! Chow Xingchi’s classic lines are read again and again [Spoiler]Revealing the "Journey to the West": Shu Qi was attacked by the article, laughing with tears and feelings [On-site]"Journey to the West" premieres Huang Bojiao’s Dancing, Zhou Xingchi shows his love to Shu Qi and is rejected [Interview]Huang Bo: I just want Sun Wukong to become an old man, with a salary of less than 8 million

Next Page: Star Lord’s Appearance March: "Knife Club"

Jackie Chan calls on entertainers to join the fight against poverty reduction and fulfill social responsibility

Jackie Chan calls on artists to do charity

At the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference panel discussion held yesterday, Jackie Chan, a three-term member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, called for attention to targeted poverty alleviation, suggesting that young actors should respond to the call of the state and win the battle of poverty reduction together. As soon as the initiative came out, many actors expressed their commitment to fulfill their obligations. So, how can actors use their own advantages to fulfill their social responsibilities? Jackie Chan gave his own advice.

National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference member Jackie Chan: Artists should actively participate in poverty reduction

At this year’s "two sessions", Jackie Chan, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, proposed that performers should actively participate in the poverty reduction strategy and give full play to the social influence of performers. Jackie Chan, who has decades of experience in public welfare undertakings, said: Although there are many difficulties, there are many people.

"Sometimes philanthropy is not something you just say and do. There are many aspects of philanthropy that you have to worry about. It’s very tiring for me to do it alone. It’s better to ask all the entertainers to do it together, and it will also get the effect of publicity." Jackie Chan advocated. After the proposal was issued, it quickly gained the attention of many actors. Wang Xueqi, Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Dongyu, Yang Zi and other actors have expressed their willingness to actively participate in the poverty reduction battle. For the support of their peers, Jackie Chan’s brother’s confidence has doubled.

"Because I have been doing charity for so many years, I have no selfishness, so after the earthquake, Shu Qi, Yu Rongguang and the others all called me and gave me the money they donated, saying: ‘Brother, you help us do it, I believe in you.’ For so many years, I have called on me to do anything in the entertainment industry, so they all believe in me, and I thank them very much. Charity, we have to do it together, because I have limited power alone, and I have to lead my world fans, Chinese fans. Now it is much more convenient to do charity than before." It is because of Jackie Chan’s drive that people in the entertainment industry and even fans outside the circle have joined the charity team.

As Jackie Chan said, he felt a great responsibility and built a public welfare bridge between caring people and groups in need. After the 2015 Tianjin Binhai New Area explosion, Jackie Chan donated 3 million yuan for the first time, and many viewers also reached out to help, hoping to send the money to the families of the victims through Jackie Chan.

Jackie Chan advocates that charity should be done with sincerity

However, poverty reduction is not exactly the same as donating to disaster areas. Especially young actors, although very enthusiastic, but limited experience. So Jackie Chan, who has been involved in public welfare for more than 30 years, sent them a specific "action guide": "

Understand the needs of each township and town, help them promote tourism, and help them sell their own products. For example, after the earthquake, I helped them do a free tea advertisement, and they sold very well that year. It is also poverty alleviation, and you can do it in many different ways. "

In addition, Jackie Chan also said that creating film and television works based on the stories of poor areas to attract social resources is also a desirable way. It is a good example.

National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference member Jackie Chan: Engaging in public welfare requires sincerity

From ecological civilization to cultural relics protection, to rescuing out-of-school children, Jackie Chan’s name has long been a public welfare banner in the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers.

Jackie Chan is outspoken that when he first started doing charity, he also considered his image, but over the years, doing charity has become completely his instinct: "From a young age, doing charity, for a side hustle, for the sake of image, for the sake of image. Now, I do charity sincerely, voluntarily do charity, you can’t see it, I do charity. I do it every day, I don’t have to tell you what I do now."

Others read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, while Jackie Chan travels thousands of miles because of public welfare. For young actors, Jackie Chan sincerely gave advice: "You must have never been to the place where I went. So many young actors now are asked by the company to do charity, and now they have become a swarm of people. But slowly these young people will become sincerely doing charity, which is a process."

The battle of poverty reduction requires the whole society to act together. We look forward to seeing more and more actors and artists exert their strength, respond to the call of the country, work together, and work together to win this battle of poverty reduction. In the next ten days, our "China Film Report" will also broadcast a series of reports on "The Battle of Poverty Reduction, Filmmakers are in Action", so stay tuned.

After chasing "Qingyu Nian 2", are you confused? The director and screenwriter explain this | Podcast

The hot drama "Qingyu Nian 2" ended on the evening of June 2. Whether it is the drama fans or the original fans, there are many doubts about the setting of many characters and the structure of the story this season. In this episode, the director of the drama, Sun Hao, and the screenwriter, Wang Tii, answer the doubts raised by several of our die-hard audiences one by one, such as explaining why "Fan Xian suspended animation" takes up so much space? Why did the prince change so much in this season? Share with you who follow the drama.

Live streaming host: Kogi, Anna
Editing/Copywriting: Little T
Curator: Xiaoyu