New regulations in June: high temperature allowances are coming, and online car-hailing is included in the rental assessment system

  China News Service client side Beijing, May 31st, from tomorrow, the time will enter June. With the arrival of the hot summer at the same time, there are also a number of policies such as high temperature allowances and new regulations for online car-hailing, which will bring real "coolness" to your summer from various aspects such as income and travel.

Data map: A power operator in Fuzhou braved high temperature to climb a pole to work. Wang Dongming, photo

    Data map: A power operator in Fuzhou braved high temperature to climb a pole to work. Wang Dongming, photo

  Heat allowance begins

  In the summer, the payment of high temperature allowances is concerned by the public. In most parts of China, the money will also be credited to workers’ accounts as June arrives.

  According to the "Measures for the Administration of Heat Prevention and Cooling Measures" revised in 2012, employers who arrange for workers to engage in outdoor open-air operations in high-temperature weather above 35 degrees Celsius and who cannot take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33 degrees Celsius shall issue high-temperature allowances to workers.

  In terms of the payment time of high temperature allowances, there are also differences in different places due to climate conditions. For example, the payment time period in Beijing, Shanxi and other regions is from June to August; Jiangsu, Shanghai, Gansu and other places are from June to September; Guangdong, Guangxi and other places are from June to October.

  In addition, Jiangsu, Tianjin and other provinces have also raised their high-temperature allowances this year.

Data map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Commission checked the relevant qualifications of online car-hailing at Guangzhou East Railway Station. Photo by Chen Jimin, reporter of China News Agency

    Data map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Commission checked the relevant qualifications of online car-hailing at Guangzhou East Railway Station. Photo by Chen Jimin, reporter of China News Agency

  Online car-hailing is included in the taxi service assessment system

  The safety and convenience of taxi-hailing are also of concern to the public. The "Measures for the Assessment of Taxi Service Quality and Reputation" will come into effect on June 1, and online car-hailing will be included in the taxi service assessment system. The assessment of online car-hailing drivers must be "returned".

  Specifically, the "Measures" will include the new business models of online car-hailing into the assessment, making it clear that both online car-hailing and cruise cars need to carry out service quality and reputation assessment. In terms of indicator setting, not only the common requirements of online car-hailing and cruise cars are considered, but also according to the unique business service characteristics of online car-hailing, tailor-made indicators such as data access and operation service information disclosure are set.

  In addition, the "Measures" also adjust the distribution of assessment scores for taxi companies, increase the assessment scores for providing passengers with operational services and other matters, and guide drivers to take the initiative to improve service quality.

  It is worth mentioning that the "Measures" provide for the implementation of assessments on drivers’ compliance with regulations, production safety, business behavior, and operational services. Taxi drivers who score less than 3 points during the assessment period shall receive training as required.

  English "national standard" will be implemented

  How do Chinese people evaluate their English proficiency? On June 1, the first English proficiency assessment standard for Chinese English learners, the "China English Proficiency Scale", will be launched.

  It is understood that the scale was released by the Ministry of Education and the National Language and Writing Work Committee in April, and conducted a detailed grading of Chinese English learners and users. Among them, the English language ability of Chinese English learners and users is divided into one to nine grades from low to high, which are classified as basic, improved and proficient.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the scale is like a scale of ability, which will play a positive role in improving the quality of exams, promoting the docking of domestic and foreign exams, promoting multi-evaluation, feedback teaching, etc., and is conducive to achieving "the same balance of quantity".

Data map: drone China News Agency reporter Zhang Wei, photo

    Data map: drone China News Agency reporter Zhang Wei, photo

  Reduced access to drones

  In recent years, China’s unmanned aerial vehicle market has grown rapidly, and the application of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture, electric power, surveying and mapping, security and other fields has become increasingly mature. However, the relevant regulations on unmanned aerial vehicles engaging in commercial flight activities are always blank.

  From June 1st, the Civil Aviation Administration issued the "Civil Unmanned Aircraft Operational Flight Activities Management Measures (Interim) " will be implemented. The "Measures" regulate the access and regulatory requirements for unmanned aircraft to engage in commercial general aviation flight activities, and enterprises engaged in commercial flight activities will be in legal compliance from now on.

Data map: Investors in the business department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the dynamics of the stock market. Luo Yunfei, photo

    Data map: Investors in the business department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the dynamics of the stock market. Luo Yunfei, photo

  What will be the impact of class A sharing?

  Entering June, there is another major financial event worth paying attention to.

  MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International, also known as "MSCI" in China) announced on May 15 that 234 class A shares were confirmed to be included in the MSCI index system, which was officially implemented on June 1.

  According to the data, the MSCI index is compiled by Morgan Stanley International Capital (MSCI), and international mainstream funds use it as an investment guide or tracking index to allocate their own ETF funds (exchange-traded open-ended index funds) according to the MSCI index. From next year, overseas funds can also directly purchase class A shares through the MSCI index.

  In the opinion of industry insiders, after class A shares are included in the MSCI index, the participation rate of overseas institutional investors will continue to rise. In the medium and long term, the class A share market will become more mature, liquidity will increase, and market trends will gradually be dominated by short-term market noise and driven by fundamentals.