Six departments interviewed major online car-hailing platform companies, and Hitch must strictly adhere to the safety bottom line

  CCTV News:Yesterday (11th), the Ministry of Transport, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly interviewed 8 online ride-hailing platform companies such as Didi Chuxing, Shouqi Car, and Shenzhou Youche in the name of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office for Coordinated Supervision of New Business Forms of Transportation.

  The Ministry of Transport said that this is a reminder interview, and the main online car-hailing and ride-hailing platforms have refined the rectification measures against the list of problems and rectification lists reported by the joint safety inspection in 2018, which has achieved phased results, but still needs to be continued.

  The interview proposed to further accelerate the pace of online car-hailing compliance, remove unqualified personnel and vehicles, and strictly prohibit the dispatch of vehicles and drivers without business qualifications, and carry out operations in accordance with laws and regulations to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of passengers.

  Some aggregation platforms have recently encountered new problems such as access to non-compliant ride-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers, engaging in illegal ride-hailing operations in the name of "aggregation". Aggregation platforms should strengthen the review and verification of the business qualifications of connected ride-hailing platform companies.

  In addition, it is necessary to resolutely implement the main responsibility of enterprise stability maintenance, do a good job in the management of offline vehicles and personnel, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers.

  The interview also put forward relevant work requirements for each platform company on cyber security, personal information protection, road traffic safety management, public safety risk prevention, online car-hailing price behavior and market competition behavior.

  Regarding Hitch, the Ministry of Transport and other six departments said that Hitch is a travel mode that reflects the sharing economy in the urban transportation field, which is conducive to alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution. However, platform companies engaged in Hitch must strictly abide by the relevant regulations on Hitch management. Relevant platform companies must strictly abide by the safety bottom line, do a good job of reviewing and dynamically monitoring the technical performance of online vehicles and the background of drivers, and protect the personal privacy of users. At the same time, establish and improve the rapid response processing mechanism for passengers, deal with emergencies in a timely and effective manner, and the platform company shall bear the responsibility for compensation in advance for safety accidents. Hitch must release travel information in advance on the premise of the driver’s own travel needs, and select the shared vehicle by the fit passengers with the same travel route. The hitchhiking behavior must not be for profit, but only share part of the travel cost or free mutual assistance with the passengers. It is strictly forbidden to engage in illegal operations in the name of hitchhiking, and there must be a certain limit on the number of shared rides per car per day.

  The interviewed online car-hailing platform said that it will strictly follow the requirements put forward in this interview, improve the enterprise system, make changes according to the problem, and operate in accordance with laws and regulations to eliminate hidden dangers of safety and stability.