Changping science and technology industry development fund of funds won the "2023 Jiazi attractive force year-end ceremony" heavy award

Recently, the "2023 Jiazi attractive force year-end ceremony · To you who chases the wind and catches up with the moon" was successfully held in Beijing. At the meeting, the [Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking] list was promulgated, and the Beijing Changping Science and Technology Industry Development Fund was listed as the "Top 30 Best Science and Technology Industry Government Guidance Funds in 2023".

As a Chinese science and technology industry think tank, "Jiazi Lightyear" released the three major lists of [Jiazi 20] [Lightyear 20] and [Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking] at the year-end ceremony. Among them, the "2023 China Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking" focuses on value investors in China’s science and technology industry, aiming to recognize investment institutions and investors with significant investment performance, strong growth potential and profound influence on the development of China’s science and technology industry in 2023. The list focuses on considering the fund size, fundraising ability, investment ability, external influence and Jiazi Lightyear evaluation of China’s science and technology industry, and finally selects the "2023 China Science and Technology Industry Investment Ranking". Beijing Changping science and technology industry development fund of funds glory on the list, will be recognized and expected by the conference, continue to empower ecological partners, to create a coordinated and efficient development of the investment ecosystem, to provide impetus for the high-quality development of regional economy.

In recent years, government-guided funds have ushered in rapid growth in quantity and scale. The 2022 China Equity Investment Market Development Research Report shows that by the end of 2022, although the government-guided funds in our country accounted for less than 7% in quantity, the proportion of capital scale was close to 60%. In addition, the government-guided funds have undoubtedly become the main LP of the equity investment market through capital injection or sub-funds cooperating with market-oriented funds. It has become an important breakthrough point and driving force for the government to promote strategic emerging industries and innovation-driven development.

As the operator of the science and technology industry fund in Changping District, Chang Development relies on the unique resource advantages of Changping District to make full use of market-oriented means to guide and promote the aggregation of various financial resources, and actively promotes the organic combination of government funds and social funds, industrial capital and financial capital, direct financing and indirect financing, equity financing and debt financing. This time Chang Development can be shortlisted for the authoritative list, which fully reflects the excellent ability of Chang Development’s investment team. Data show that as of now, there are 43 cooperative market-oriented investment funds, more than 1,100 direct or indirect investment projects, and more than 30 companies have landed in capital markets.

Since 2016, Chang Development has started to manage the fund of funds for Changping’s high-tech industry and investment fund business planning and deployment around Changping District’s high-tech industry and investment fund business; in 2020, with the accumulation of the medical and health industry chain, the establishment of Zhiheng Direct Investment Fund, Zhiheng No. 1 focuses on the layout of the medical and health industry, the fund scale is 291.60 million yuan, and has invested more than 19 enterprises so far; in 2022, in order to further play the role of the fund in major project investment and key project introduction, the construction of the fund of funds group in Changping’s science and technology industry was launched.

As of now, the Changping Science and Technology Industry Fund of funds group of government investment funds includes 4 funds of funds in the early and mid-term, namely "Changping Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, Beijing Industrial and Financial Innovation Fund, Changping Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Growth Investment Fund, Key Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Industrial Project Guidance Fund"; 1 industrial guidance fund, for "Changping Industrial Development Fund of funds"; 2 funds of funds in the middle and late stages, respectively "Changping Life Valley Medical and Health Industry Fund of funds, Changping Advanced Energy Industry Fund of funds (in preparation) ", with a total subscription scale of about 10 billion yuan, forming a fund network covering the early and middle stages, growth and maturity of the whole cycle.

Over the years, Chang Development has provided one-stop services for enterprises based on the concept of "three foundations" in a "three-in-one" model, and the resource advantages formed by continuous and deep cultivation have provided sufficient investment and economic development space for Changping District. Chang Development’s advantages can be summarized into three aspects: empowering funds, ecological platforms, and post-investment services.

Deeply empowered funds:

Explore the matching degree between GP and local industries in Changping, empower policy resources and industrial resources to funds, generate chemical reactions, and strengthen alliances. In terms of policy empowerment, Changping District has issued the Interim Measures for Changping Group to Support the Development of the Medical and Health Industry in the Science and Technology Innovation Area of China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Article 8 of which is: Encourage investment institutions in the medical and health field to play a role. Support investment institutions to introduce more enterprises to gather and develop in Changping, and investment institutions will promote start-ups that are about to go public or have listing conditions to register and pay taxes in Changping or move the registered tax place to Changping through investment, and the start-up enterprises will be successfully listed within 3 years after the introduction. For every successful listing of 1 enterprise, the investment institution (only the first reporting institution) that has made substantial contributions will be rewarded with 1 million yuan without an upper limit.

The second is the ecological platform:

Chang Development team has accumulated many years of management experience and has now formed a good organizational structure. Different from the operation mode of other government guidance funds, Chang Development is not just a fund, but has also been emphasizing to be a one-stop industrial ecological platform to help enterprises grow in the whole cycle. It has set up a park operation service and professional technical service platform, which can provide a better foundation and synergy effect for funds in project source input and post-investment services. Chang Development has a more comprehensive advantage.

The third is to empower:

Chang Development has established a very comprehensive post-investment service system. For enterprises with financing needs in the investment ecosystem, Chang Development will carry out FA business to help enterprises accurately connect and match more suitable financing institutions; in terms of space resources, Chang Development is oriented towards the new generation of information technology, intelligent manufacturing, merchandise sports, life sciences and other industries. It has created an industrial complex project that integrates smart office, experience business, cultural social interaction and other functions and a medical health sharing platform that goes deep into the core of the industrial chain. It perfectly integrates industrial space operation and fund investment services, builds a complete Enterprise Services ecosystem, and effectively increases the expansion effect of the capital platform.

In terms of post-investment support for talents, talent resources have always been one of the focuses of post-investment services. Beijing is rich in scientific research resources and high-knowledge talents, and Changping District has Shahe Higher Education Park, which includes well-known universities such as Beihang and Beiyou. It is one of the two university parks determined by the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and it is also a major strategic deployment for Beijing to ensure the sustainable development of higher education in the new century. In addition, Tsinghua and Peking University also have many layouts in Changping, and many key laboratories across the country are located in Changping, which provides convenience for the transfer of talents from local enterprises. With the support of industrial empowerment and ecological platform, the rich resources of scientific research institutes are superimposed, and Changping District vigorously promotes in-depth cooperation between industry, university and research. In addition, Chang Development can also provide customized brand communication services for enterprises at different stages of development, leveraging the platform’s resource advantages to expand communication potential.

In the future, Chang Development will continue to optimize investment ideas, serve and support the long-term healthy development of regional industries and economies, and provide assistance for technological innovation and enterprise development in Changping District.